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Investments in debt securities are subject to risks. Read all the offer related documents carefully. The information contained herein is only to enable the Investor (or Lender) to make an informed decision. Any decision taken by the investor on the basis of this information is the sole responsibility of the Investor (Lender) and InCred Money is not liable. InCred Money has partnered with a third party platform regarding investments in various alternate investment opportunities. InCred Money will not be responsible for the full or partial loss of the principal and/or interest of the investor’s investment. InCred Money is only an intermediary introducing these third party services and is not responsible for any agreement you sign with the third party.
InCred Money has been launched with the acquisition of Orowealth, one of the leading retail-focused digital investment platform. The acquisition brings AuM of INR 1,000+ Cr along with a robust technology platform and an experienced team to InCred Money. The InCred Money platform will span both B2C and B2B2C verticals, providing a comprehensive suite of investment products and services.
*Biddeasy.com is Online Bond Platform provider and registered with BSE and NSE in the name of Oro Financial Consultants Private Limited Oro Financial Consultants Pvt Ltd is the Stock broker entity operating in cash and debt segment with BSE and Debt segment with NSE having SEBI registration number: INZ000312534, Registered as an Online Bond Platform Provider in BSE Ltd.(Member Code: 6821) and National Stock Exchange of India Limited (Member Code: 90389)